Helicon View Learning provides bespoke consultancy services to parents who are looking for guidance and advice in a range of academic situations. Below you will find the key areas in which we specialise.
Scroll down below the topic areas to see the popular consultancy packages we offer. If you would like to discuss a solution tailor-made for you, please don't hesitate to call us to let us know about your particular situation.
If you need help preparing your child for their school entrance exams, we can advise on everything from the most suitable schools for the student, to the nuances and differences between the exam papers for each school.
We are always happy to sit down with parents to help them to produce a roadmap of the education system, and a clear strategy to support their educational goals for their children. This sort of planning can be hugely valuable when it comes to understanding the different routes, decision points and outcomes.
If required, our advice can then be used as a springboard for a tailored course of private tuition which Helicon View can arrange, to ensure that any weaknesses in the student's knowledge and understanding have been covered, and his or her exam technique has matured.
Whether via our school entrance courses, consultancy services, or simply through the attention of effective tutors, our first aim is to bring clarity to a journey that can so often confuse and overwhelm parents, and to open up a clear path ahead.
When required, we can help parents with the whole application process, including the following: contacting schools; finding or registering for occasional vacancies; arranging school tours; completing application forms, letters and personal statements. Do contact us to discuss your needs.
If you are planning to come to live in London or elsewhere in the UK, and you would like to discuss the best way to prepare your child for entrance into the UK school system, please contact us to discuss the ways in which we can help. We can help you to understand the examinations that will take place, we can advise on school selection and we can support with academic preparation. We also work closely with a property consultant who can ensure that your choice of home gives you access to outstanding schools.
Throughout the course of a student's academic career, all kinds of challenges may arise. Few will be more important than navigating the years leading up to university, and ensuring that the right choices are made. These choices will lay the foundation for the student's future. Helicon View can provide consultation on subject selection, university choices, UCAS forms, work experience and career planning.
Should you need to speak to a specialist or a child psychologist, we can make recommendations to ensure that you have access to the advice and the expertise that you need. We also represent tutors who have experience working with a range of special educational needs, who can provide lasting support for students. If you feel your child is not thriving in the conventional school system, you may be interested to read about our home school services here.
Consultancy Options
School Entrance Assessment
Best for parents who would like an academic assessment of their child, with advice on the next steps to take with school entrance examinations in mind
This package includes:
2 hours’ one-to-one academic assessment with an expert consultant
Detailed written feedback outlining the student’s strengths and weaknesses in the key subjects
Advice on school selection, tuition strategy, preparation and resources
30 minute follow-up call with the consultant
An additional advisory document explaining the specific entrance processes and criteria for your top 3-5 schools
The School Entrance Assessment package can also be tailored to the requirements of the 16+, taking into account your child’s chosen A level subjects.
School Finding and Placement Package
Best for families requiring hands-on support with the full process of finding a school place for their child
We will:
Use information gathered at our initial consultation along with any existing school reports and ed psych reports to build a report on around 6-8 different suitable schools depending on the child’s needs or criteria, with the help of one our top schools consultants
Write a roadmap to outline a time-specific strategy for the application process, showing open days, registration deadlines, entrance exams as well as when the child should start actively preparing for the exams/interviews
Revise and tweak the target schools list as your criteria and parameters shift and/or are narrowed down
Book open days and provide the paperwork necessary to register the children at target schools, ensuring you are aware of relevant deadlines
Conduct a mock interview with written feedback at an appropriate stage as outlined in the roadmap
Advise on any private tuition that may be helpful to support preparation
Our director and office staff can provide ongoing and unlimited advice, support and consultation by phone until a school place is accepted (or for an agreed amount of time if the family’s plans become uncertain)
General Consultancy
£240 per hour
Aside from the packages above, we can help with all sorts of consultancy requirements through face-to-face meetings, phone calls, Skype and email correspondence. We are here to discuss your queries or concerns.
Consultancy services we have supplied in the past include:
Providing curricula and/or reading lists for specific age groups
Explaining the intricacies of the UK school system to international families
Advising on subject choices for secondary students
Advising on university choices and applications
Marking papers or essays and providing detailed feedback
Helping with strategies to promote confidence or focus
Advising on strategy for home schooling
Dealing with school exclusion or extended periods off school
Advising on relocation with the best educational outcomes in mind
Where required, we work with a number of associate consultants, including a specialist in London nurseries and a relocation consultant